Veröffentlicht am 21. September 2021

Die CSSF unterstüzt die Initiative für Online-Banking für Senioren (in französischer und englischer Sprache verfügbar)

In order to promote the social, financial and digital inclusion of all citizens, the Ministry of Digitalisation, the Ministry of Consumer Protection, the CSSF and the ABBL Foundation for Financial Education decided to join forces to implement a training programme on e-banking for senior citizens.

In concrete terms, the aim is to allow everybody to take charge of their own e-banking transactions. At the end of this training, participants will be familiar with e-banking services, particularly as regards security and confidentiality aspects, and they will be able to carry out banking transactions confidently and autonomously.

The training started mid-September. It is offered as a separate module or as part of the „Internet Führerschäin“ offered by the ASBL ErwuesseBildung.

The support of the CSSF for this initiative is part of its national mission regarding financial education.

For more information: “Ech kann dat och”: E-banking-Schulung für Senioren – Letzfin

From left to right: Yves Maas, President of the ABBL Foundation for Financial Education, Marc Hansen, Minister Delegate for Digitalisation, Paulette Lenert, Minister for Consumer Protection, Pit Peporté, President of the ASBL Erwuessebildung and Claude Marx, Director General of the CSSF, during the presentation of the new training on 21 September 2021.