
Winding-up: Landsbanki Luxembourg S.A.

The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier informs the public that, in accordance with article 61-1 of the law of 5 April 1993 on the financial sector, as amended, the Tribunal d’arrondissement de Luxembourg [District Court], sitting in commercial matters, has ordered the dissolution and the winding-up of Landsbanki Luxembourg S.A.. This winding-up takes place following the suspension of payments for the bank declared on 8 October 2008.

Landsbanki Luxembourg S.A. is a subsidiary of the Icelandic company Landsbanki Ìslands hf.. The latter has been submitted to the Icelandic regime for the suspension of payments since 5 December 2008.

Me Yvette HAMILIUS, Attorney-at-law, and Mr Franz PROST, accountant, external auditor and partner at DELOITTE S.A. have been appointed as liquidators by this judgement. Mrs Karin Guillaume has been appointed as the official receiver.

Finally, in accordance with Article 61(7) of said law, the judgement determines the manner in which the winding-up is to be carried out.