
Warning regarding the activities of an entity named Hush

The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) warns the public of the activities of a company incorporated under Luxembourg law named Hush (website: www.hush.lu) which is established at 1 Côte d’Eich, L-1450 Luxembourg.

The CSSF informs the public that Hush is not regulated by the CSSF and has not been granted any authorisation to provide banking and/or financial services or payment services in or from Luxembourg.

As regards the many references made by the company to notions related to the financial sector, notably to banking regulations, financial services offers, payment account opening, protection and segregation of funds to be received as well as to the preparation of an authorisation file for a payment institution, the CSSF would like to specify that, so far, no concrete and specific information on the projects described by the company and no application file have been submitted to the CSSF.

Furthermore, the CSSF has not been asked by the company about the legality of the ICO and no protection under the financial sector regulations, in case of investments in such products, can be ensured.