Press release

Withdrawal from trading and listing on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange of the shares (ISIN LU0982016452) issued by R Fintech Capital S.A.

Press release 19/24

This press release follows “Press release 18/31” published by the CSSF on 3 October 2018 in relation to the suspension from trading of the Company’s shares (ISIN: LU0982016452; the “Shares”) on the regulated market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.

The CSSF has decided to request the withdrawal of the Shares from trading on the regulated market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and from listing on its official list pursuant to Article 22(2) e) of the Law of 11 January 2008 on transparency requirements for issuers (the “Transparency Law”) and Article 45(2) 14 of the Law of 30 May 2018 on markets in financial instruments (the “MiFID Law”).

The CSSF has taken this decision as a result of the repeated and continued infringements of the Transparency Law by the Company and in order to protect the investors’ interests and to maintain the integrity of the market. The Company has more particularly not complied with its disclosure obligations as regards its financial reports (Articles 3 and 4 of the Transparency Law) and the changes in the major holdings affecting its share capital and voting rights (Articles 8, 9 and 11 of the Transparency Law). The CSSF has further taken into consideration the structural and recurrent operational difficulties of the Company to comply with its legal obligations under the applicable Luxembourg securities laws.

The aforementioned CSSF’s decision is made public in accordance with Article 45(2) 17 and Article 49(1) of the MiFID Law.

It should be noted that the CSSF’s decision is final. It may, however, be challenged before the Luxembourg administrative courts within a period of three months in accordance with the applicable provisions of Luxembourg law.