Archived since 20 September 2021
Published on 2 April 2020

Postponement of the reporting under Article 37 of the Money Market Funds Regulation

As announced by ESMA in a statement dated 31 March 2020, the submission of reporting files to National Competent Authorities (NCAs) under Article 37 of the Money Market Funds Regulation has been postponed to September 2020. ESMA will publish shortly an amended XML schema (version 1.1) and reporting instructions on its website. The reference period for the first reporting remains however Q1 2020.

Based on this statement and by way of derogation from Circular CSSF 20/736, managers of Luxembourg domiciled MMFs may therefore postpone the submission of the quarterly reportings for Q1 and Q2 2020 to September 2020.

Nevertheless, as the CSSF will implement the amended XML schema as soon as possible, submission of the reportings before the September deadline is encouraged. The CSSF will issue a separate communication once reporting entities may use the amended XML schema to provide the reporting files.