
Warning concerning unknown persons presenting themselves under the name Ethenea and the websites www.ethenea-de.com and https://ethenea.group/

(published on 17 November 2021, updated on 18 January 2022, 4 May 2022, 13 October 2022 and 17 October 2022)

The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) warns the public of unknown persons who unsolicitedly contact potential investors, presenting themselves under the name “ETHENEA” and notably propose a so-called investment contract for a fund called “ETHENEA PLDF PREMIUM” or a so-called “term passbook”. To this end, they misuse the name and address of the Luxembourg company ETHENEA Independent Investors S.A.

The CSSF also warns the public of the websites www.ethenea-de.com and https://ethenea.group/ and of unknown persons who offer to open accounts by using the contact details of a so-called German presence of Ethenea in Thurn-und-Taxis-Platz 6, Frankfurt am Main or who offer loan agreements under the name “Ethenea Fund Manager”. These unknown persons also send emails in the email address formats InitialName.Surname@ethenea-de.com, contact@ethenea-paris.com or Firstname.Surname@ethenea.group.

The CSSF wishes to make it clear that the management company ETHENEA Independent Investors S.A. is duly authorised under Chapter 15 of the Law of 17 December 2020 relating to undertakings for collective investment and has no link with the facts referred to in this warning.