
Warning regarding fraudulent activities where a name similar to that of the credit institution VP Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. is being misused

(published on 21 February 2022, updated on 6 October 2022 and 29 November 2022)

The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) warns the public of the websites http://www.vpbank.online, https://onlinevpbk.com, https://vponlinebk.com, https://bkvpsecure.com and www.onlinevpbank.com and unknown people purporting to act for “VP Bank SA”. In this context, the address, logo and other publicly available information of the Luxembourg credit institution VP Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. are misused.

These people contact without solicitation consumers predominantly in France and offer investment services (for example the subscription of “FDJ” shares) and banking services (savings account ZEN, Premium account), asking for credit card details and copies of identification documents. In addition, the opening of an account in Portugal and the transfer of funds to this account are also requested. When establishing contact, emails using the address format firstname.surname@groupvpdirect.com, firstname.surname.vpbank@gmail.com, firstname.surname@onlinevpbk.com, firstname.surname@vponlinebk.com and Mail.firstname.surname@bkvpsecure.com are being used.

The CSSF would like to specify that the duly authorised Luxembourg credit institution VP Bank (Luxembourg) S.A. is not related to the persons or facts referred to in this warning. Moreover, the bank confirmed to the CSSF that it does not maintain operations nor tied agents in France nor does it ask to open accounts with third parties.