
Publication of Circular CSSF 22/824 – Application of the Guidelines of the European Banking Authority on Loan Origination and Monitoring (EBA/GL/2020/06)

The CSSF published today Circular CSSF 22/824 – Application of the Guidelines of the European Banking Authority on Loan Origination and Monitoring (EBA/GL/2020/06) (“Circular CSSF 22/824”). The main purpose of this circular is to implement the requirements of the EBA Guidelines on Loan Origination and Monitoring (EBA/GL/2020/06).

The Guidelines aim to ensure that in-scope entities have prudent loan origination and monitoring standards in place to prevent newly originated performing loans from becoming non-performing in the future and specify the internal governance arrangements for granting and monitoring of credit facilities throughout their lifecycle. The Guidelines also aim to ensure that the institutions’ practices are aligned with consumer protection rules and AML/CFT requirements.

This circular will apply from 31 March 2023.

Next steps

Beginning of 2023, the CSSF intends to publish a set of dedicated FAQs to further clarify different aspects covered by the circular.