
Publication of two notification templates to be completed when applying for the registration of an AIFM or the authorisation of an IFM to the CSSF, respectively when extending the activities of an existing IFM or modifying its shareholding structure.

Updated communication as of 08/02/2023 adding the AIFM registration notification

The CSSF is publishing two notification templates entitled “Investment fund managers (“IFMs”) – type(s) of requested IFM authorisation(s) – AIFM registration(s)” and ”Authorised investment fund managers (“IFMs”) – type(s) of requested change(s)” to be used with immediate effect when:

  • a new application for AIFM registration subject to the Law of 12 July 2013 on alternative investment fund managers, where the AIFM exclusively manages AIFs which are not subject to authorisation and prudential supervision by an official supervisory authority in Luxembourg, is submitted to the CSSF;
  • a new application for AIFM registration subject to the EuVECA or EuSEF Regulation is submitted to the CSSF;
  • a new application for IFM authorisation subject to the Law of 17 December 2010 relating to undertakings for collective investment and/or subject to Chapter 2 of the Law of 12 July 2013 on alternative investment fund managers is submitted to the CSSF;
  • an existing IFM intends to extend its activities by requesting to be approved for additional investment strategies or MiFID services, respectively to act as central administration and/or registrar, and transfer agent.

Furthermore, the template “Authorised investment fund managers (“IFMs”) – type(s) of requested change(s)” should also be used in the context of an acquisition of a qualifying holding in an IFM, a change of a reference shareholder and/or the creation of one or more branches.

The applicable notification template should always be filled out and submitted to the CSSF along with the related application file. The templates can be found in the relevant pages:

  • In case of registration of an AIFM or authorisation of an IFM:

Investment Fund Managers (“IFM”) – type(s) of requested authorisation(s)-registration(s)

  • In case of extension of activities of an existing IFM or modification of an IFM’s shareholding structure:

Authorised investment fund managers (“IFMs”) – Type(s) of requested change(s)