Archived since 28 January 2025
Published on 27 February 2023

Examination of professional competence for “réviseurs d’entreprises” (statutory auditors) – 2022 Session

24 new réviseurs d’entreprises (statutory auditors) received their diploma evidencing their success in the 2022 session of the examination of professional competence.

This diploma rewards a substantial training programme and is granted on the basis of a six-hour written examination and an individual oral test for every candidate in front of a jury appointed by the CSSF which is equally composed of audit professionals and of people not involved in the profession of réviseur d’entreprises agréé (approved statutory auditor).

It grants the possibility of obtaining the title of réviseur d’entreprises and, subsequently, the authorisation in Luxembourg.

The ceremony took place on 24 February 2023 in the presence of the Minister of Finance, Yuriko BACKES, and the Director General of the CSSF, Claude MARX.

List of the 24 new réviseurs d’entreprises:

  1. ABIVEN Emmanuelle
  3. BELLENS Thomas
  4. BEN RAZEK Mohammed                        Cum laude
  5. BONAFINI David
  6. CHASSAGNE Antoine
  7. CIFUENTES David
  8. DONDERA Ana-Maria
  9. EGLIZOT Maxime
  10. FEDOTOVA Ekaterina
  11. FILLIOL Pierre
  12. GALLORO Xavier
  13. GNAUERT-NIES Miriam
  14. JOOMUN Muhammad
  15. KUHN Kevin
  16. LACROIX Julien
  17. LESSUISE Laurent
  18. MARTIN Carmen
  19. MAZOUZ Hicham
  20. OBLIERS Carsten                                      Cum laude
  21. PEDINI Amadeo
  22. POLUTNIK François
  23. SIDDIQUI Saad
  24. TECHNOW Jenny

The CSSF congratulates the candidates for achieving this important professional qualification.

Luxembourg, 27 February 2023