
Warning concerning the fraudulent activities carried out by the entity Likewood-invest LTD / Wood Finance Limited and usurpation of the name and logo of the CSSF as well as of the name of the Maltese investment firm WOOD Finance LTD

Warning: Illicit activities
Company name: Likewood-invest LTD / Wood Finance Limited
Alleged registered office: London
Authorisation in Luxembourg: None
Website used: www.likewood-invest.com
Email address used: support@likewood-invst.com
Phone number used: +447533920715


Note: The entity is not supervised by the CSSF and it has not been granted any authorisation to provide investment services or other financial services in or from Luxembourg.

Moreover, unknown persons misuse the CSSF’s name and logo by sending forged documents. In doing so, they request payment of fees in order to release fund transactions.

The unknown persons also misuse the name of the Maltese investment firm WOOD Finance LTD.