
CSSF-ALFI Webinar on the new Circular CSSF 24/856 reforming Circular CSSF 02/77 on NAV calculation errors and investment breaches at the level of UCIs

The CSSF and ALFI will organise a webinar on the new Circular CSSF 24/856 on 6 June 2024 at 10.30 CEST.

This new circular, concerning investor protection in the event of an error in NAV calculation, non-compliance with investment rules and other errors at the level of Undertakings for Collective Investment (UCIs), was published on 29 March 2024.

The objective of the webinar is to present the new circular and to outline the main changes. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session during which the CSSF will answer questions raised by the participants.

The invitation to the webinar is addressed exclusively to professionals acting on behalf of entities managing or administrating Luxembourg UCIs supervised by the CSSF. These include:

  • Board Members/Conducting Officers of authorised investment fund managers (“IFMs”);
  • Board Members/Conducting Officers of self-managed UCIs;
  • Board Members/Conducting Officers of registered AIFMs;
  • Board Members of UCIs;
  • Compliance Officers and Risk Managers of IFMs, UCI administrators and depositories.

Invitations to the webinar have been sent out by ALFI, with participation being on an invitation basis only. For the Q&A session, the invitations specify that questions should be sent to ALFI at least 5 business days in advance of the webinar. If you have any questions regarding invitations, please contact ALFI at