
New eDesk procedure regarding the EBA benchmarking exercise on Gender Pay Gap exercise

From 15 May 2024, the CSSF will start collecting “GPG” reports from credit institutions and non-SNI IFR investment firms (“non-SNI IFR IF”), on behalf of the European Banking Authority (EBA). The purpose of this reporting is to collect information on the gender pay gap of credit institutions and non-SNI IFR IF, as required by Articles 38-10 and 38-24 (1) of the Law of 5 April 1993 on the financial sector (“LFS”) as amended.

This data collection exercise takes place every three years starting in 2024 with regard to financial year 2023. It concerns a sample of credit institutions and non-SNI IFR IF. The reporting is in XBRL format (see taxonomy established by the EBA). The report regarding financial year 2023 must be submitted through one of the following means by 15 June 2024 COB:

  • XBRL file deposit in the dedicated eDesk procedure GPG; or
  • Via an API solution (S3 protocol), allowing for automation.

A user guide providing details on how to fill in and submit the report is available on eDesk.