Press release

Press release regarding Orco Property Group S.A. (ISIN LU0122624777)

Press release 24/17

Reference is made to the CSSF press release 23/23 whereby the CSSF informed the public that, by three judgements dated 21 November 2023, the administrative court (Tribunal administratif) had rejected the legal challenges brought against the decisions adopted by the CSSF on 8 December 2017 in relation to ORCO Property Group S.A. under the Law of 19 May 2006 transposing Directive 2004/25/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on takeover bids (the “Takeover Law”) and the Law of 9 May 2006 on market abuse (the “Market Abuse Law”) (see CSSF press releases 17/40 and 17/41).

The CSSF hereby informs the public that, by three decisions dated 27 June 2024, the appeals formed against the judgments of 21 November 2023 have been dismissed by the Administrative Court (Cour administrative).

It follows that the decisions adopted by the CSSF on 8 December 2017 are final and may no longer be challenged before the Luxembourg administrative courts.