
Examination of professional competence for “réviseurs d’entreprises” (statutory auditors) – 2024 Session

23 new réviseurs d’entreprises (statutory auditors) received their diploma evidencing their success in the 2024 session of the examination of professional competence.

This diploma rewards a substantial training programme and is granted on the basis of a six-hour written examination and an individual oral test for every candidate in front of a jury appointed by the CSSF which is equally composed of audit professionals and of people not involved in the profession of réviseur d’entreprises agréé (approved statutory auditor).

It grants the possibility of obtaining the title of réviseur d’entreprises and, subsequently, the authorization to carry out statutory audit in Luxembourg.

The ceremony took place on 27 January 2025.

List of the 23 new réviseurs d’entreprises:

  1. ABDELHEDI Naïma
  2. BAILLY Alexandre
  3. BERI Floriane
  4. BLONDEAU Thomas
  5. BUDIA Tridev
  6. CARRARO née LEONARD Jenny
  7. COLLEAU Mathias
  8. DRIDI Mohamed Amine
  9. GALLAND Louka
  10. HERMAN Gauthier
  11. HUYBRECHTS Pauline
  12. JACQUET Simon
  13. LAFFAILLE Thibault
  14. LEISEN Matthias Alwin
  15. MICHIELS Antoine
  16. MUNCH Frédéric
  17. NIMAL Julien
  18. REY François
  19. RICHARD Rodolphe
  20. SAMY Danavadee
  22. SENCHUK Andrei
  23. WALHIN Alexandre

The CSSF congratulates the candidates for achieving this important professional qualification.

Luxembourg, 28 January 2025