Archived since 15 December 2011
Published on 8 July 2011
CSSF circular

Circular CSSF 11/518 repealed by Circular CSSF 11/527

Entry into force of CSSF Regulation N° 11-01 relating to:
1) the adoption of audit standards in the field of statutory audit under the law of 18 December 2009 concerning the audit profession,
2) the adoption of standards in the field of the other missions reserved by the law exclusively to réviseurs d’entreprises agréés under the law of 18 December 2009 concerning the audit profession,
3) the adoption of standards on professional ethics and internal quality control under the law of 18 December 2009 concerning the audit profession.
II. Adoption of the parts “Application and Other Explanatory Material” and “Appendix” of the international standards on auditing and the international standard on quality control