The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier – CSSF is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with the Law of 28 May 2019 on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies.

This accessibility statement applies to:

What is digital accessibility?

Everyone should be able to easily use and consult the information on a website or an app, in particular people with disabilities and/or using assistive software or specialised equipment (ex.: visual, auditory, physical, cognitive impairment, etc.).

Compliance status

This website is partially compliant with European Standard EN 301 549 and its implementing General Framework for Improving Web-Accessibility (RGAA) version 4.1 , due to the reasons listed below.

Non-accessible content

The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reason(s):

a) Non-compliance with RGAA 4.1:

  • Some decorative images are not ignored by assistive technologies.
  • Some iframe titles are not relevant.
  • Some contrasts between text and background color are not high enough.
  • Some contrasts between interface components or graphical objects’ color and their background color are not high enough.
  • Some table cells are not properly linked to their headers.
  • Some links are not explicit.
  • Some scripts are not compatible with assistive technologies.
  • Some scripts cannot be controlled using a keyboard or a pointing device.
  • Some script-generated changes of context are not reported or controllable.
  • Some status messages are not delivered or correctly rendered by assistive technologies.
  • The generated source code is invalid according to its document type.
  • Some page titles are not relevant.
  • Some language changes are not indicated in the source code.
  • Some semantic elements are used for presentational effect.
  • Some contents are not properly structured using headings.
  • Page structure is not relevant.
  • Some lists are not correctly structured.
  • 1Some contents are not formatted using stylesheets.
  • Some links are unidentifiable from their surrounding text.
  • Some contents are not correctly hidden from assistive technologies.
  • Some contents cannot be presented without requiring horizontal scrolling when using a 320px window.
  • Some form fields do not have a label.
  • Some form field labels are not relevant.
  • Some groups of related form controls do not have a legend.
  • Some input purposes cannot be deducted and thus used to automatically fill forms with user information.
  • Some content blocks repeated across pages (such as header, navigation, search, main content or footer) cannot be reached or skipped.
  • All office document (PDF, Microsoft Office) that can be downloaded are not necessarily compliant. You may send a request to receive an accessible alternative by using the contact details under “Feedback and contact information” and we will endeavour to respond as soon as possible.
  • Some time-based media (videos, podcasts) may not be compliant. You may send a request to receive an accessible alternative by using the contact details under “Feedback and contact information” and we will endeavour to respond as soon as possible.

b) Content not within the scope of the Law of 28 May 2019:

  • “Leaflet” Interactive maps
  • “Google – ReCaptcha” spam protection

Preparation of this accessibility statement

This statement was prepared on 7 September 2023.

The declarations contained in this statement are based on an actual assessment of this website’s compliance with the requirements defined in RGAA 4.1 carried out by a third-party: Ideance.

Feedback and contact information

If you notice any issues with accessibility, please contact us at:

283, route d’Arlon
L-1150 Luxembourg
Tél. : (+352) 26 25 1-1

Please describe us the lack of accessibility noticed as well as the page concerned. We commit to replying to you within 1 month at the latest. Within reasonable limits, the correction of the accessibility issue will preferably be carried out online such as to remedy the problem in a sustainable way. Should this not be possible, the information you requested can be made available to you in an accessible format of your choice:

  • in writing in a document or email;
  • orally in an interview or by phone.

Moreover, the CSSF commits to providing you, upon request, the office documents (PDF, Microsoft Office) and time-based media (videos, podcasts) that are currently not accessible as soon as possible.

Enforcement procedure

Should the reply be unsatisfactory, you also have the possibility of informing the Information and Press Service, the body responsible for supervising accessibility, via its online complaint form or the Ombudsperson, the mediator of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Service information et presse
33, boulevard Roosevelt
L-2450 Luxembourg
Tel.: (+352) 247-82181