
On 17 October 1945, the function Commissaire au Contrôle des Banques (Commissionner for the control of banks) was created. This date marks the beginning of the modern era of Luxembourg’s financial centre supervision. The timeline highlights the key events.

Book and documentary

The year 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of prudential control and supervision of the financial centre in Luxembourg. On this occasion, the CSSF wished to contribute significantly to the research on these topics by publishing a book, as well as producing of a documentary.

The book “Surveillance, indépendance et intégrité. 75e anniversaire du contrôle prudentiel et de la surveillance de la place financière au Luxembourg” (Supervision, independence and integrity. 75th anniversary of prudential control and supervision of the financial centre in Luxembourg) was published in cooperation with the C2DH (University of Luxembourg). It is available in bookstores and at the Bibliothèque Nationale du Luxembourg, as well as at the Bibliothèque de la CSSF (access for in situ consultation only upon appointment through bib@cssf.lu).

The documentary “La surveillance de la place financière (1945-2020): une histoire inédite! D’Iwwerwaachung vun der Finanzplaz (1945-2020) – eng onerzielte Geschicht!” (The supervision of the financial centre (1945-2020): an untold story!) directed by Claude Lahr and produced by PTD-Paul Thiltges Distributions looks back on the key developments in prudential supervision in Luxembourg through testimonies of CSSF directors and agents, political leaders and stakeholders of the financial centre. The film is also a valuable testimony of the development of the Luxembourg financial centre. It is inserted in the book.

Annual Report 2023