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We would like to inform you that a technical maintenance is scheduled for Tuesday, 11 March 2025 between 5.30 pm and 7 pm. Our services may potentially be unavailable during this period. Our teams are fully committed to ensure the continuity of our services throughout…
In April 2025, a new “e-Identification” system will replace the current VISA procedure for the prospectuses of UCITS, Part II UCIs, SICARs and SIFs. This new e-Identification of fund prospectuses will be composed of: a unique identification number (YYYY/NNNNNN-NNNNNN-N-PC) and an e-Identification date. Both will…
due by 6 June 2025
The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched on 6 March 2025 a public consultation on four draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) that will be part of the EBA’s response to the European Commission’s Call for Advice. These technical standards, will be…
The CSSF has been made aware of a recent malspam attack, that starts with the compromise of workstations via unwanted installation of Remote Management and Monitoring (RMM) tools, and ultimately resulting to fraudulent Multiline transactions. CIRCL, the Computer Incident Center Luxembourg, published a technical report…
In a communiqué dated 15 January 2025, the CSSF indicated that it would notify financial entities identified as those which, in accordance with Article 5(5), of the regulatory technical standards (RTS)1, cannot be exempted from reporting a major incident during weekends and bank holidays when…
The UCI Departments of the CSSF inform that, going forward, eDesk users will be invited to participate in CSSF events and conferences. Invitation to such events will be limited to the relevant eDesk users. We therefore remind Investment Fund Managers to keep the eDesk roles…
Press release 25/04
As at 31 January 2025, the total net assets of undertakings for collective investment, comprising UCIs subject to the 2010 Law, specialised investment funds and SICARs, amounted to EUR 5,929.317 billion compared to EUR 5,820.088 billion as at 31 December 2024, i.e.…
due by 21 March 2025
FATF seeks input on its work to understand Complex Proliferation Financing and Sanctions Evasions Schemes, including information on best practices and challenges on identifying, assessing, understanding and mitigating Proliferation Financing risk. The public consultation will also seek views on how…
We would like to remind you that starting from 28 February 2025 at 5pm, the transmission of U1.1 reporting can only be transmitted through the following methods : The dedicated eDesk procedure The API solution based on the submission of XML reports via the S3…
1) high-risk jurisdictions on which enhanced due diligence and, where appropriate, counter-measures are imposed 2) jurisdictions under increased monitoring of the FATF Version of 25 February 2025
Application of the Guidelines of the European Banking Authority on redemption plans under Articles 47 and 55 of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 (EBA/GL/2024/13)
Application of the joint EBA and ESMA Guidelines on the suitability assessment of members of management body of issuers of asset-referenced tokens and of crypto-asset service providers, and of Joint EBA and ESMA Guidelines on the suitability assessment of shareholders and members, whether direct or…
Application of the Guidelines of the European Banking Authority establishing the common reference parameters of the stress test scenarios for the liquidity stress tests referred in Article 45(4) of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 (EBA/GL/2024/08)
Application of the Guidelines of the European Banking Authority on recovery plans under Articles 46 and 55 of Regulation (EU) 2023/1114 (EBA/GL/2024/07)
Application of the Guidelines of the European Banking Authority on the minimum content of the governance arrangements for issuers of asset-referenced tokens (EBA/GL/2024/06)
The public consultation will run until 18 April 2025. Particularly professionals of the payment industry are encouraged to provide responses to this consultation.
A new step has been taken in the implementation of the European Digital Finance Package through the publication on 10 February 2025 of the national Law of 6 February 2025 in the Official Journal which officially designates the CSSF as the competent authority within the…
The CSSF informs credit institutions and investment firms in scope of Circular CSSF 24/858, which applies the European Banking Authority (“EBA”) Guidelines on benchmarking of diversity practices, including diversity policies and gender pay gap, under Directive 2013/36/EU and Directive (EU) 2019/2034 (EBA/GL/2023/08), that the sample…
This release is addressed to all réviseurs d’entreprises agréés (approved statutory auditors) and cabinets de révision agréés (approved audit firms) registered with the CSSF to carry out statutory audits. It is also addressed to the audit committees of public-interest entities, which are responsible for examining…
The CSSF hereby publishes the new simplified procedure for creating (a) new share class(es) that do not require a prospectus update. This procedure applies to UCITS, UCI part II, SIFs, and SICARs. From now on, the simplified procedure applies to new share classes whose characteristics…