ESMA lance une consultation concernant la révision du règlement sur les abus de marché (MAR) (uniquement en anglais)
The CSSF informs the public that the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has launched a public consultation on the provisions of the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) on 3 October 2019.
Please find below
- a link to the ESMA announcement:
- a link to the consultation paper:
The consultation covers a wide range of issues, including:
- the possible inclusion of spot FX contracts within the scope of MAR;
- buy-back programmes under Article 5 MAR;
- the definition of inside information (Article 7 MAR);
- the delayed disclosure of inside information (Article 17);
- market soundings (Article 11 MAR);
- insider lists (Article 18 MAR);
- managers’ transactions (Article 19 MAR);
- MAR and collective investment undertakings (CIUs);
- competent authorities, market surveillance and cooperation;
- sanctions and measures
ESMA invites feedback until 29 November 2019.
An open hearing is scheduled to take place in ESMA’s premises on 5 November 2019.