Enquête relative à la lutte contre le blanchiment et le financement du terrorisme (uniquement en anglais)
Press release 19/57
The annual online survey for the year 2019 collecting standardised key information concerning ML/FT risks to which the professionals under supervision are exposed and the implementation of related risk mitigation and targeted financial sanctions measures will be launched on 3 February 2020. This cross-sector survey contributes to the CSSF’s ongoing assessment of ML/FT risks present in the financial sectors under its AML/CFT supervision and forms part of the AML/CFT risk-based supervision approach put in place by the CSSF over the last years.
In substance, the 2019 survey remains generally unchanged compared to the previous year.
Answers to the survey questions will imperatively have to be submitted through the CSSF eDesk portal within a period of 6 weeks, except for the banking sector where the period is of 4 weeks.
The self-assessment ML/FT risk survey must be initiated and submitted within the CSSF eDesk portal by a member of the management body of the entity (preferably the AML/CFT Compliance Officer who is responsible for AML/CFT compliance).
The completion of the survey, however, may be assigned within the CSSF eDesk portal to another employee of the entity, while bearing in mind that the ultimate responsibility for the adequate completion of the survey shall remain with the aforementioned member of the management body.
In terms of logistics, this implies that the aforementioned persons and their potential delegates create an eDesk account which requires a LuxTrust authentication (if they do not already have one).
In order to avoid connection problems when the survey will be launched, the CSSF urges all entities it supervises for AML/CFT purposes to create such accounts as soon as possible. Reference is made to the “Authentication and user account management” user guide in the dedicated section of the CSSF eDesk portal homepage for further details.