
Abrogation de la circulaire CSSF 20/748 adoptant les orientations de l’Autorité bancaire européenne sur la déclaration et la publication des expositions faisant l’objet de mesures appliquées en raison de la pandémie de COVID-19 (EBA/GL/2020/07) (uniquement en anglais)

Following the EBA communication of 16 December 2022 concerning the repeal of its Guidelines on reporting and disclosure of exposures subject to measures applied in response to the COVID-19 crisis (EBA/GL/2020/07), the CSSF would like to inform the concerned entities that Circular CSSF 20/748 adopting these EBA Guidelines is repealed from 1 January 2023.

It has to be recalled that the temporary COVID-19 reporting and disclosure framework introduced by these EBA Guidelines in June 2020 was set up to monitor the measures taken by credit institutions in response to the COVID-19 crisis. It was originally meant to be in place for a limited period of time.