Instructions sur les comptes rendus en vertu de l’article 37 du règlement sur les fonds monétaires (uniquement en anglais)
The CSSF informs that it has published on 4 May 2021 a “User guide concerning reporting under Art.37 of the MMFR” and a list of “MMFR Error Codes” on its website:
4 mai 2021 - Mis à jour le 30 août 2022
Guide utilisateur – comptes rendus en vertu de l’article 37 du règlement sur les fonds monétaires (uniquement en anglais)
Version 2Document technique -
Document technique
The purpose of these documents is to provide IFMs with an explanation on recurring problems encountered with the MMFR reporting and the full list of ESMA error messages which are mentioned in the Excel file validation_rules_V06.
The CSSF will update these documents in case of need.
For any question regarding the reporting instructions please send an email to