Retour sur la conférence LBC/FT de 2023 organisée par la CSSF pour les PSF spécialisés (uniquement en anglais)
In order to foster interaction with the specialised PFS under its supervision, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) held an online conference on 30 January 2023 highlighting the key issues on AML/CFT for the sector. Representatives of the Luxembourg Ministry of Justice and the Luxembourg Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) were also amongst the speakers.
The orators gave feedback and clarifications on following topics:
- Risk self-assessment and RC report – purpose and content
- ML/TF Vertical risk assessment – Legal persons and legal arrangements
- Vertical risk assessment – Terrorist Financing
- Insights from the FIU for Specialised PFS
- Public-Private exchange platform for Specialised PFS
- Register of fiducies and trusts – obligations and requirements
For further information, please also refer to the key takeaways and the speakers’ presentations.
8 février 2023
Points clés de la conférence virtuelle LBC/
FT pour les PSF spécialisés tenue le 30 janvier 2023 (uniquement en anglais) Études et rapports -
8 février 2023
Conférence LBC/
FT de 2023 pour les PSF spécialisés du secteur financier (uniquement en anglais) Études et rapports