
Règlement PRIIPS (uniquement en anglais)

Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014, as amended (the “PRIIPS Regulation”) and its supplementing measures (including Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/653, as amended), require “manufacturers” of packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs) to review the information contained in the key information document (KID) at least every 12 months following the date of its initial publication.

Since 1 January 2023 UCITS available to retail investors qualify as PRIIPs for which a KID is required pursuant to the PRIIPs Regulation. The CSSF hereby reminds Luxembourg UCITS and UCITS management companies of the aforementioned review requirement for the year 2024. Reference is also made to the guidance specifically provided in this context by the European Supervisory Authorities in their consolidated Q&As on the KID (see, in particular, question 8 of Section VII (Past performance) thereof) and the CSSF in its FAQ concerning the Luxembourg Law of 17 December 2010 relating to undertakings for collective investment.