
Publication par la CSSF de « La politique macroprudentielle pour les fonds d’investissement : considérations par la CSSF » (uniquement en anglais)

The CSSF publishes today its paper “Macroprudential Policy for Investment Funds: Considerations by the CSSF”.

The objective of the paper is to contribute to the current discussions at international and European level on macroprudential policies/tools for investment funds,
particularly on whether to repurpose/adapt existing tools or whether to potentially develop additional tools.

These discussions among authorities are happening on the back of the rising importance/size of investment funds since the global financial crisis and the vulnerabilities that were identified in the context of the recently experienced crises, in particular at the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic or the LDI episode.

The CSSF looks forward to actively contributing to the ongoing and future discussions and to working in this area with all relevant stakeholders, including its peer regulators as well as European and international institutions.