
Résultats de l’enquête sur l’état de préparation à DORA menée en septembre 2024 (uniquement en anglais)

The CSSF launched in August 2024 a DORA readiness survey to nearly 500 entities which will fall under the DORA regulation, applicable as from 17 January 2025.

The objectives of the survey were twofold:

  • Primarily, to assess the level of readiness as of 1 September by financial entities towards DORA, and capture the main challenges encountered by financial entities.
  • Secondarily, to raise once more the awareness to those financial entities that are late in getting ready.

The survey consisted of a limited number of 10 closed questions around the following topics:

  • GAP analysis and perceived readiness
  • Top challenges encountered

With 90% of respondents having completed their DORA gap analysis, and despite the challenges encountered, the survey shows encouraging progress by financial entities in their DORA compliance work. With more than four months to go before DORA applies, the financial place is still in a preparatory phase. More than two thirds of entities consider themselves to be partially ready, while almost a quarter of entities consider themselves to be almost ready.

The detailed results of this survey have now been published on the CSSF website.