
Webinaire du GAFI sur l’évaluation et l’atténuation des risques liés au financement de la prolifération (uniquement en anglais)

The FATF will host a webinar to inform about the new obligations on the proliferation financing risk assessment and mitigation. The webinar will take place on 16 December 2021.

This webinar brings together a panel of experts from public and private sectors with a global and domestic focus on tackling the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. The panel includes, amongst others, the co-chairs of the FATF’s Policy Development Group and the Risk, Trends and Methods Group, which lead FATF work in this area.
The interactive discussion will focus on the following topics:

  • new FATF obligations on proliferation financing (PF) risk assessment and mitigation – objectives and rationale;
  • emerging trends on proliferation financing risks and techniques adopted by the designated individuals and entities to evade PF targeted financial sanctions;
  • national experiences, challenges, and lessons-learnt in conducting PF risk assessment and developing appropriate mitigation strategies; and
  • private sector experiences in conducting PF risk assessment and implementing appropriate mitigating measures to combat PF and evasion of targeted financial sanction.

If you would like to attend the webinar, please register using the following link: