
Problèmes globaux liés à l’agent CrowdStrike et incidences potentielles sur les organismes de placement collectif (uniquement en anglais)

In the context of the worldwide major outage due to “CrowdStrike Agent causing BSOD loop on Windows”, as referred to in the communiqué of the CSSF dated 19 July 2024, the CSSF hereby reminds Luxembourg-domiciled investment managers and undertakings for collective investment (UCI) as well as all entities involved in the operation of these entities to duly assess the impacts of this IT outage and to take all the appropriate actions in order to ensure the ongoing functioning of the UCIs.

In case UCIs encounter difficulties in determining the valuation of the assets and/or the net asset value of any UCI in accordance with their prospectus and articles of incorporation/management regulations (“fund documentation”), UCIs shall assess, based on the fund documentation, whether a suspension of the NAV calculation is necessary in view of these circumstances.